Saturday, 7 February 2015

Hardware And Software of Computer - The Best Article

Hardware And Software of Computer - The Best Article

In this century Computer has became a basic need of humans. When humans were putted on the earth that time basic needs were Food, Shelter and Clothes but now it is changed into Food, Shelter, Clothes, Computer, Mobile and Internet. If you don't have a computer with a internet connection you don't know the World. The fact is we use computer but we are unaware of its basic and necessary knowledge. In every field, Business, Profession, Job or Education computer is must. Sometimes you may have minor problem with your computer; because of unawareness you might not fix the problem; unfortunately you have to stop your important work, But if you are having certain knowledge about it, you may know where the problems is exactlyA Computer has it's own definition as defined below:

Computer is running because of two important parts: Hardware, Software, both are compulsory. .
Computer Hardware:  
All the components of the computer that can be touch with your hand it is called as Computer Hardware, It is a simple definition. All the components can be categorized as:
  • External Hardware:
All the components that are connected out side of the CPU or cabinet like Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer and others are external hardware devices of computer.
  1. Input Devices
  2. Output Devices
As you all know the work of Keyboard and Mouse and these devices are called as Input Devices with help of keyboard and mouse you give command to computer, There are many other devices like finger print scanner.
All the devices which give us the output are output devices. Monitor gives the out on screen and Printer give the output at paper, Speaker give the output with the sound.
  • Internal Hardware:
All the devices connected inside of cabinet on the Motherboard like Hard Disk, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), Floppy Disk Drive, Sound Card, Graphic Card, C MOS Battery, CPU Fan are the Internal Hardware.
CPU: The Central Processing Unit is also called as the brain of computer, All the operation send to CPU and CPU proceed it, CPU is a square type component in which some small sticks are there which are made of pure gold because gold processes the data fast compare to other metals, If the computer processing slow then the problems is may be with CPU.
HDD: Hard Disk Drive is a storage device all the data saved in computer directly stored in Hard Disk. The first Hard Disk was made by IBM and its size was 5 MB. The stored memory can be measure in KB, MB, GB etc. If the log on screen getting stop the problems might be with HDD

Computer Memory Measurement

4 BITS =
1024 BYTES =
1024 KB =
1024 MB =
1024 GB =
1024 TB =
1024 PB =
1024 EB =
1024 ZB =

RAM: Random Access Memory is a device which holds the temporary memory, when you type in notepad or doing any other operation the operation needs some space to locate the path it stores in RAM. There are few types of RAM,SD RAM,DDR1 and DDR2. SD RAM is slow and the other two are faster than SD RAM DDR2 is fastest. If your computer beep continuously the problem is with RAM, Remove it clean it and insert it back to the slot; problem will be solved.
ROM: The reason it called Read Only Memory is the processor reads only data from the CD or DVD ROM is nothing but DVD ROM or CD ROM. If computer is not showing any DVD or CD in computer or not reading it, The fault should be with ROM.
FDD: Floppy Disk Drive is also a storage device but the data after it stored once another time can not be delete or store more data, One Floppy can be used once. Generally Floppy are not in used no one is using this component because Hard Disk is enough and better than Floppy.
Sound Card: It is a optional card that may be insert in the add on slots, This is used when the on board sound component is not working. You can connect more than one speaker with the help of sound card. Mostly this card is used to play games because the quality of sound in games is high.
Graphic Card: It is also a optional card and it may be insert in add on slots, Some software needs high video memory to take effects also used for gaming.
C MOS Battery: C MOS Battery saves the date and time when your computer is shut down.When you turn on your computer and if it shows any garbage time like 01-01-9999, It means there your computer's C MOS Battery is weak you have to replace it with a new one.
Computer Software:
Software is one part of computer, without software computer can not be run. It manages the computer resources and provides an interface between hardware and user, Software is directly responsible for helping user to solve the problems. A computer software is divided into two major categories, System Software and Application Software.
  • System Software:
A system software is inbuilt in the computer that operates the computer and understand user's command and control the hardware components. System software is divided as: Operating system, System Support, System Development.
Operating System: The operating system is the most powerful software of the computer without operating system you can not run the Computer. Most used operating system is Windows and Macintosh, Windows is designed by Microsoft. The Macintosh is developed byApple, People are using Windows Operating system more than Mac. and it is installed on every computer. The Latest version of Windows isWindows 8. An operation system is assembled all the drivers and uses it whenever required as per user's command. If your computer getting restart automatically then the problem should be with operating system. It is very easy to install an operating system you will just need the original DVD of operating system.
System Support: The system support actually operates the hardware of the computer, it collects all the required drivers from the operating system and uses the correct driver where it required. Every hardware component of the computer needs driver without driver; hardware device won't be work, If your computer indicating the notification from the task bar that a new hardware found something like then it indicates you that some hardware component's driver is missing.
System Development: The system Development software converts program language into machine language. The computer can not understand the English or any other language it works on its particular language which consist only Zeroes and Ones something like this (0000011100011). The system development software provides a correct code in machine language.
  • Application Software:
An Application Software is designed to help user to solve their problems, Application software is totally different with Operating System. Application Software run only after the installation of OS. Again there are two types of Application Software: General Purpose, Application Specified.
General Purpose:The General Purpose is the application which is already installed from OS in your computer Word Processor, Notepad, Paint, Calculator etc. are the General Purpose Software.
Application Specified: Application Specified are the software that a user install as requirement Music Player, Video Player, Anti Virus, Internet Browser, Photo Editor, Video Editor and all the other additional software are the Application Specified.
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