Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How to Confirm All Facebook Friends at Once

How to Confirm All Facebook Friends at Once

confirm all friend requests at once on facebook

Accept all friend requests at once on Facebook, Its not so difficult task you can do it very easily. Since Facebook is a very popular and most used social networking site over the globe. It has its own security system that no body can make changes with the website or hack any account or website. It will take too much time and we get bored of clicking each request. As per Facebook term and conditions it is not recommended that you must accept a friend request whom you don't know outside the Facebook but now all the people are using it to be popular by having lots of friends in their Facebook friend list. Facebook doesn't allow you to select all the friends and confirm it at once because there may be someone whom you should not accept as Facebook doesn't recommend it.

If you want to confirm all the friend requests at once then you can do it with the help of a java script. Java Script is a common function at any website which has different jobs. You can make changes and do anything with any website by changing its java script code or adding a new code but it will be temporary changes. The changes will only visible to you and when you refresh the page it will be on its original position. So its not possible for everyone to make changes at any website with any code but you can make some changes in actions like rejecting, accepting because the action doesn't have any defined position. The action changes by conditions, If you have friend request and if you confirm it, There won't be any friend request so it doesn't have any defined position. So just because accepting friend request is an action you can accept all the friend request at once no matter how many you have. Just follow the procedure given below.

First you will need a Google Chrome browser because the trick works smoothly with Chrome. Open the Google Chrome browser and login to you Facebook account.

Now put this link address facebook.com/reqs.php in the Chrome address bar where you types facebook.com or all the web addresses. When the page will be loaded you will see few pending friend requests and you have to load all the pending request by clicking Show More as shown in below image:

how to accept all friends at once how to confirm all friend request at once on facebook facebook friend request facebook facebook tricks netdoz netdoz.blogspot.com

Load all the friends until the option Show More hides it self because that will mean that you have no other friend requests. So when you've loaded all the friends just Press F12 keyboard button in Google Chrome and click on Console tab if not already clicked, see the below image:

how to accept all friends at once how to confirm all friend request at once on facebook facebook friend request facebook facebook tricks netdoz netdoz.blogspot.com

Now copy the below given Java Script code and paste it into the input bar at console as shown in above image.
javascript: var field = document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]");for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)field[i].click() ;
Hit enter and wait for few seconds. You have confirmed all facebook friends at once.
Stay tuned with Netdoz on social networking for more interesting stuff.


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